Sunday, June 13, 2010

How to Teach Your Cat How to Sit

Although teaching cat tricks such as sitting, staying and heeling is normally not very often accomplished. Cats can be trained in much the same way as dogs. Cats are intelligent creatures with minds of their own which is why they have become renowned for not being taught cat tricks but with a few cat training tips and a little bit of patience, you will soon find that there is nothing that you cannot teach your cat to do.

If you are looking to teach your cat to sit then a few cat training tips will come in rather useful. First of all you need to have a fair bit of patience and plenty of cat treats but aside from this, it should only take you around ten minutes to teach your cat tricks such as this.

Repetition is essential for training a cat and it is better to train them when they are at kitten age as it will take considerably longer for an adult cat to pick up cat tricks like the sit trick. You should make sure that you have plenty of treats to bribe your cat and also to reward it when it has followed your commands.

Ideally your cat should be on an elevated surface with its back to one wall. Move the treat to just above the cats head in a straight line from the nose to the middle of both ears and then wait for your cat to sit and accept the treat. Praise is essential as you need to let the cat know that they have followed your command and that you are happy about it and one of the most useful cat training tips for cat tricks such as this is to buy a clicker that is the same for when you are training a dog.

When holding the treat above the cats head, you should try to say the name of the cat as well as saying "Sit" in a voice that is friendly yet stern. Do not reward your cat if he or she does not sit but make sure that you do treat them when they have completed the expected action.

Once you have done this a few times, your cat will soon have learned that the sit command from you is rewarded with a treat when he or she sits down and you will have successfully mastered one of the cat tricks!

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How To Stop Your Cat From Scratching

When you are trying to get your cat to stop scratching up your precious furniture, you must learn one thing – that you can never get your cat to do something that she wants to do, so, do not try to get your cat to stop scratching by using punishment or force, as she will not associate the punishment with scratching, and will associate it with being picked up, causing further bad behaviour. Continued punishment will break the bond of trust between you and your cat and will make for difficult times as cats hold grudges and have very long memories.

How then, to stop scratching? Well, you must first provide your cat with an appropriate scratching post. By an appropriate post, we mean one that suits your cat and not one that suits you, like a space saving, double layered bed that doubles as a scratching post. NEVER use these, as they just provide something that your cat will sleep in, so if you have one you need to get a scratching post as well. Cats like a post they can really shred, so avoid ones made of any sort of rope as these do not tear easily enough for your cat. Use a heavy, sturdy, strong post made of sisal material, not the rope. The post should be about 28 inches tall for a fully grown cat, as cats like to extend their bodies to the full extent.

When placing the post, make sure it is in a good, position near the centre of the room, and not hidden in a dark corner. Cats scratch to mark territory and this makes your cat feel that the post is her own, and not yours. It is also a good thing to put the post near either the food dish (not too close) or the cat’s basket, as these are spots that are good for territory.
To get your cat to prefer the post, make all experiences with the post pleasurable. Use food while she is scratching, rub catnip into the post, give her treats, dangle a toy mouse or a ball on top of the post, play with her, pet her, and love her near the post. She will know that this is a good place to be and feel how good it feels to scratch on the post. If your cat still scratches the old spots where she used to scratch then use lemon spray on the patches where you don’t want her to scratch. Cats hate lemon, especially the peel and juice. You can also hang aluminium foil on the places you don’t want her to scratch.

Three Reasons to Adopt a Pet Right Now!

There are so many reasons why if you can you really should adopt a pet. For starters, the humane society and the animal shelters are literally over crowded, bursting at the seams. As a result they have to put animals to sleep every day to make room for the new animals that are coming in on a daily basis. Another reason is that animals are a result of human breeding, we put them here, and we need to do our part to assure that they are allowed the best life that they can possibly live. Still not convinced? Here are three more reasons!

Save a life

You save a life when you adopt a pet, a pet that may otherwise have to be put down due to the lack of available funds to care for such animals at the local shelters.

Make a new friend

The companionship that you will be offered and the love, and loyalty that you will get when you adopt a pet are literally second to none.

Do your part

We all need to do our part to assure that every living creature is afforded the best opportunity at survival. This also involves being proactive. Adopt a pet today!

Adopting a Cat: Things to Consider

adopt a pet
There are so many reasons to adopt a pet. I thought I would list some of the obvious but also some of the more out there reasons to bring home a furry friend.

Why adopt a pet:

  • Animals are great companions and offer an escape from loneliness.
  • Animals picked up from the Humane Society are saved from euthanization.
  • Puppies are a great way to pick up girls.
  • Keeping up with your animals especially dogs will force you to exercise.
  • Choosing to adopt a pet before having a child is a good way to see if you are ready for the responsibility of another life.
  • A cat can be a great way to exterminate mice and other vermin.
  • Security offered by the watchful eyes of animals.
  • Breeding can offer great financial returns.
  • Your pet may be the next animal acting star.
  • All animals need a place to live.
  • Helping the homeless does not stop with people.
  • Pets can cure the boredom of not working.
  • Adopting a pet can give you a sense of purpose.
  • You may just find your new best friend.
  • How could you say no to a face like the one seen in the picture above?

Kids and Cats

Kids and Cats
Your child must learn to respect the cat and treat him gently. Your influence as a role model is essential here. Supervise any interaction between your child and the cat until you are confident both are behaving properly.

Your child should be sitting calmly for the initial meeting — any fast movements will send the cat into hiding. Bring the animal to the child and help your youngster pet him, stroking with the fur, not against it. Show your child how to play gently; no tail pulling.

Teach your child how to hold the cat so that he is properly supported. And more importantly, your child should know when to let the cat go. Most youngsters can learn to read body language: If the cat is wriggling or his tail is lashing and his ears are back, it's time to put him down. Kittens are delicate and can be injured by a child's overly tight hug. And don't allow a child to tease the cat, or to disturb him when he is eating, using the litter box or in a deep sleep

My Cat reading a book with glasses

Meditate with your pet is usually viewed as a spiritual practice, but research shows that there are innumerable health benefits as well. Most physical illness is caused by stress, and meditation provides stress relief by calming down the mind and body. A regular meditation practice is one of the best things you can do for your mind and body.

I often hear people say “I can’t meditate. I can’t shut down my thoughts.”

You don’t have to. Simply making the commitment to sit quietly for fifteen, ten, even five minutes a day can have beneficial effects. Don’t judge yourself – if you find that you can’t quiet your mind, try and simply acknowledge your thoughts, and then gently let them go.

Your pets can help you meditate. If you can’t clear your mind, try focusing on the purring cat in your lap or the sleeping dog by your side. Focus on the love you share with your pet. While this may not be what some purists consider meditation, I can guarantee you that it will change your state of mind to one of peace and relaxation.